Advertising Inquiry

Pinoy Entrepreneur|Advertising Inquiry

We can help promote your product by placing banner ads on this website. Below is our current internet traffic statistics and social media engagement.

17,000 Facebook Followers

32,000 Uniques Per Month
43,000 Number of Visits Per Month
114,000 Page Views Per Month
1,390,956 Hits Per Month

93% of web viewers are from Philippines, the rest are from US, Australia, Canada, etc…

Data are from January 2022 to September 2022 via Awstats.

Ad Placement Pricing Table

Pinoy Entrepreneur | Advertising Inquiry

– Initial contract is 3 months for Banners and Paid Article/Front Page Slider.
– Discounts are applicable only for 3, 6, 9, and 12 fully paid months.
– 3 months 5% discount is applicable only on renewal terms.
– Article can contain one (1) outbound link as long as it points to official website or Social Network site.

Ad Placement Map

Image of Ad Placement Map


Do you have any question not answered yet? Please let us know.

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