How to Make Mango Tidbits


Dec 5, 2009

mango-tidbitsMango flesh, halves, scoop or tidbits that are preserved in concentrated syrup and packed in cans or bottles must be at the rare ripe (early ripening) stage of maturity. The fruit should have a crisp and succulent texture, pleasing flavor and attractive, natural color. The seed should be small and the fruit must be uniformly ripe.

This Mango Tidbits Recipe is a good source of income.  You can make a good profitable business at a very low investments.

How to make Mango Tidbits

Mango Puree Ingredients:

  • 10 kilos table ripe mangoes
  • 2.5 kilos of sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • calcium chloride (food grade)

Procedure in making Mango Tidbits

  1. Wash table ripe mangoes to remove dirt.
  2. Slice mangoes into tidbits
  3. Place in a sterilized bottle and leave a space at the neck portion of bottle.
  4. Prepare syrup: 1 part sugar to 1 part water. Boil.
  5. Add 3/4 tsp. calcium chloride for every 4 and 1/4 cups syrup.
  6. Pour syrup in bottles or jars containing mango tidbits, leaving 1/4  inch form the neck of the bottle. Place the cover on the bottle.
  7. Heat or simmer in a casserole until temperature reaches 82 degrees Centigrade (near boil)
  8. Cover closely.
  9. Boil to 100 degrees Centigrade for 25 minutes
  10. Close cover tightly and turn the bottle upside down.
  11. Store in a cool dry place.

Source: Agricultural Training Institute, DOST (Basic Methods in Mango Processing)

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