Virgin coconut oil is produced from fresh coconuts with minimal processing so that it retains a slight coconut flavor and aroma. Virgin coconut oil is regarded as the highest quality coconut oil and is considered by many to be a healthy and functional food, which may increase the metabolism, lower the cholesterol and boost the immune system. The saturated fat in virgin coconut oil is immediately converted by the liver into energy, instead of being stored as fat. It is also a good source of lauric acid, which is thought to be anti-bacterial and anti-viral.
Filipinos are now aware of the many healthful benefits of this products. This new found awareness created big market and great demand of virgin coconut oils. It created a great opportunity for Filipinos to earn money. If you have the gots and patience, you can also make your own virgin coconut oil and earn extra money.
How to make Virgin Coconut Oil
- 3 grated matured coconut with its natural water
- cheese cloth (katsa) for squeezing the coconut
- plastic containers
- filters
- First of all you must get and select a very mature coconut. This is very important because if you choose a young or immature coconut, you will not get enough coconut oil.
- Then you must grate the coconut meat, which you can ask someone to do it. Mix the grated coconut and its natural water together with clean hands to soften the coconut.
- Prepare the plastic container with wide mouth. Then extract the coconut milk from the grated coconut by putting a handful in a piece of cloth or “katsa”. Wrap and wring the katsa to extract the milk. Allow the coconut cream to flow out of the cloth. Be sure the container of the cream is very clean. Do the wringing 25 times until all the creamy juice is squeezed out of the coconut.
- Repeat the procedure for the rest of the coconut. When all the coconut is squeezed, set aside the coconut. It can be used for macaroons or fertilizer.
- When you have finished extracting the milk, leave it in a shallow even container and cover for 48 hours and place it an isolated place. The oil will then begin to separate from the cream mixture. Through time there will be 3 layers. The oil, a watery mixture and a creamy mixture.
- Before the 48th hour prepare the clean container of the oil. It should be one with a narrow opening where a filter can be fastened.
- On the 48th hour, gently scoop out the oil and put in the prepared container that has a filter. Do the filtering 3 times. Then close tightly. The oil will not be clear white. When seen in the sunlight, oil will have a yellowish tint. This is its natural color and this ensures that the natural nutrients are there. The water part of the original mixture can be fermented to become vinegar. The creamy mixture can be cooked on a pan to let more oil out. And the oil can be used for frying or for the hair.
- There is a better option, you can freeze the coconut milk after 24 hours so you won’t have to scoop the oil since the curd and oil are already hardened, it is easy for you to separate the curd and the oil.
- Store the virgin coconut oil in room temperature. The shelf life for this is 2 years.