How to make Calamansi Preserved and Calamansi Nip (Syrup)


Dec 2, 2009

calamansiCalamansi  or lemoncito is a  small citrus fruit used to flavour foods and drinks.  Calamansi juices can be used in beverages, sauce, herbal medicine and more. The extracted juice, with the right process can be preserved and bottled both for commercial or personal use. Here are simple steps in preserving the calamansi juice.

Processing of Calamansi

How to make Calamansi Preserved

  • Select big, green calamansi fruits
  • Cut slits in the lower end of the fruit to extract the seeds and the juice
  • Soak the de-juiced fruit in water overnight
  • Boil in a copper vat with enough water
  • Remove from the fire when the natural green color of the fruit has set
  • Soak again in water for three (3) days but change the water often
  • Boil in plenty of water three or 4 times but change the water after boiling
  • Drain
  • Cook in syrup (2 parts sugar to 1 part water) for 15 minutes. Soak overnight
  • Boil in the same syrup until it begins to thicken
  • Drain syrup
  • Pack calamansi in jars and pour strained syrup
  • Remove bubbles, refill, half-seal, and sterilize 12 oz jars for 20 minutes in boiling water

How to make Calamansi Nip (Syrup)

  • Use freshly harvested mature calamansi. Wash and drain. Cut across the upper portion to avoid cutting the seeds. Squeeze out the juice by hand or use a fruit juice squeezer. Strain
  • For every part of the juice, add 1 13/4 parts sugar (60oB)
  • Stir to dissolve the sugar.
  • Allow to stand undisturbed for three (3) days, preferably in a refrigerator
  • When the fruit pulp and other fruit sediments have floated and the clear calamansi juice has settled, this clear solution is called the calamansi nip.
  • Siphon the nip into a dry sterile, narrow mouth glass bottle with a stopper.
  • Fill containers completely
  • Refrigerate at 50oF or below.


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