How to Make Kropeck from Shrimp Heads


Sep 8, 2006

Kropeck is considered as one of the most common snack or pulutan by many Filipinos  (next to chicharon) mostly prepared in an Inuman Session. It is always accompanied with a dip, preferably vinegar or soy sauce. Some people prefer their vinegar dip to have some chili pepper to give the meal a tangy taste along with the alcoholic drinks.

Kropeck has a similarity with chicharon when it comes to crunchiness and crispiness. Shrimp, the usual main ingredient in creating kropeck snacks, offers beneficial amounts of fatty acids (Omega-3), Vitamin B12 and Niacin. It also provides Iron, Copper and Zinc. And since the shrimp heads are primarily used to create kropeck instead of the bodies, there is less waste and the leftovers during any mealtime that includes shrimp in one of its dishes shall be put into good use.

Kropeck can be a home-made delicacy and be used as a source of income for those who wants to create a small time business.

Kropeck from Shrimp Heads Recipe


  • 1 kilo shrimp heads (blanched)
  • 1/2 kilo rice
  • 2 tbsp. salt
  • 1 tbsp. vetsin
  • pinch of black pepper
  • 5 tbsp. limewater (prepared by dissolving 1 tbsp. lime in 1 cup water)


  1. Soak rice in water overnight. Then grind together with the shrimp heads, which were previously blanched. The ground mixture should be very fine.
  2. Mix salt, vetsin, limewater, and black pepper for flavoring.
  3. Pour the mixture into a greased pan — an aluminum pie plate can serve the purpose.
  4. Steam for two or three minutes. Then slice into desired sizes.
  5. Dry the kropeck under the sun for one to two days until it turns brittle.
  6. Finally, fry the dried kropeck.


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